Education for Sustainable Development is recognized as an integral element of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on quality education and a key enabler of all other SDGs. Education is the lynchpin of our sustainable development agenda. It needs to be incorporated into all levels of education right from pre-primary and primary to university level as well as diverse professions. Its success relies on individuals, throughout their lifetime, acquiring relevant knowledge and developing positive attitudes to address global challenges.
The key work of the network focuses on enabling learners of all ages with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to address the interconnected global challenges we are facing, including climate change, environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, poverty, and inequality through operationalizing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Through its ESD leadership Program and a wide range of teaching-learning materials that have been developed by the network members over a period of ten years, it aims to make education transformative and prepare students and learners of all ages to find solutions for the challenges of today and the future.
The Institute of Environment Education and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University has been a key member of the ESD ExpertNet since its inception in 2010 and currently coordinates all activities of the ESD ExpertNet India group along with the members.
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
Capacity building, transformative learning, teacher training, evaluation
Freelance, international consultant and moderator in the field of Education for Sustainable Development
Whole School Approach ,teacher training, primary education, development of innovative learning methods, sustainability communication through movement and dance
University of Potsdam
Developing of innovative, flexible, natural and meaningful ways of learning (#OrganicLearning), Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for education, communication and transmedia storytelling for sustainability, training of teachers to become facilitators, facilitation of learning processes
Development policy Information- and education work, ESD and elementary school
University Duisburg-Essen
ESD and Transformative Social Learning, Competency Development and Capacity Development, Implementation of ESD into Core Curricula at school level, Biodiversity and ESD, ToT, Whole Institution Approach (schools, universities, institutions of further education)
Teacher Training Center, Karlsruhe
Global challenges, SDGs, geography didactics, competencies
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development
Youth empowerment and leadership, participation, international cooperation, higher education
Virtual school garden exchange, school garden, agriculture, biodiversity
ANU Hessen e.V.
Curriculum Development, Whole school approach, leadership/mentoring training, ToT, Indicators for SDG 4.7.
Political dimensions, different approaches, competencies
Greenpeace e.V.
Inclusive education, Whole School Approach (WSA)
University of Potsdam
Technological University of Puebla
Environmental Engineering, Consultant on Sustainability and ESD
Centro de Educación y Capacitación para el Desarrollo Sustentable, CECADESU
Instituto Escuela del Sur
Working with students and teachers in formal Education, Development of material, exchange between countries
Centro Freinet Prometeo / Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla / Azul y Verde Biología Integral
Working for the understanding how the local affect the global and the other way around and therefore to work the solutions and actions in this sense
Institute of Educational Research, University of Veracruz
Analysis of socio-ecological learning processes in traditional sustainable practices of indigenous contexts through audiovisual methodologies.
Universitary Center of Social Sciences of University of Colima
Environmental education, sustainability and regional projects, local identity and philosophy, environmental and generic competences.
CEO, The Sustainability Atelier
Cities and Urban Sustainable Development, International cooperation, Project development for sustainability transitions, ESD community programmes, Capacity Building and Transformative Leadership, Climate Change Policy.
Ministry of Education South Africa
Department of Environmental Affairs
Teacher capacity development, community empowerment, youth development and mentorship
WESSA (Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa)
Education for Sustainable development in schools, communities and higher education institutions through our international programmes(WESSA): Eco-schools, Young Reporters for the Environment, Learning about Forests and Eco-campus, Entrepreneurship in Schools and Youth development.
Holms and Friends Energy Consulting
Sustainable lifestyle education, energy strategy planning, sustainable tourism.
UNISA (University of South Africa)
National Zoological Gardens of South Africa
Life Science Club for high school learner with the main focus being that of encouraging and supporting youth development and engagement through the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable living. Also providing support to the in-house organisational mentoring programme.
Mmamakwa Primary School
Educators mentoring, learners skilling, capacitating.
Department of Basic Education
Department of Basic Education
Youth Involvement in ESD on reaching the desired change and exchange at all levels, Focus on SDGs.
Rhodes University
ESD evaluation tools, Indigenous knowledge practices, citizen science, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), situated learning to change.
Rhodes University
Teacher professional development and Education for Sustainable Development.
Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA)
Citizen science, learning support materials, Research: Evaluation as learning.
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT), New Delhi, India
Research, Development of curricular material, training of teachers and teacher educators on various aspects of school education and teacher education
Centre for Environment Education
Bharati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environmental Education and Research
Leuphana University
New emerging pedagogies in Education for Peace, Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship with special focus on Higher Education, Youth Leadership and mentorship, Peer to peer learning on Intercultural Dialogue, Transgressive Social Learning
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI)
Environment research, outreachand conservation education, promote interest in youth about ESD issues
Institute of Environment Education and Research, Bharati Vidyapeeth University
Transdiciplinary learning, ESD in curricula for universities and schools, capacity building, citizen science, geospatial indicators for SDGs
Centre for Environment Education
School-based environmental education, education for biodiversity conservation, urban issues (like transportation and waste, participatory governance)
Teacher capacity development, community leadership for sustainability, TOTs
Centurion University
Youth outreach and programmes related to ESD and SDGs, conducting workshops and ToTs
TATA Communications
Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable consumption and production, Leadership and mentorship, ICT, Development Communications, Stakeholder management
In Vaarta Communications
Visual Media and Story-Telling in the context of Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Waste management, Cities and Biodiversity, Approaches for Training and Capacity Building
Naoroji Godrej Centre for Plant Research (NGCPR)
Biodiversity and landscape conservation, corporate social responsibility, corporate sustainability, information about basic technology school program, ESD, capacity building programs and preventive health care
Education for Sustainable Development ( ESD) is recognized as an integral element of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 on quality education and a key enabler of all other SDGs. Education is the lynchpin of our sustainable development agenda. It needs to be incorporated into all levels of education right from pre-primary and primary to university level as well as diverse professions